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A small Nomad colony reports that thousands of people missing and no one dares to look into it, Diego Harley decides to investigate and becomes the fascination of dark, dangerous creatures that begin to obsess over him, putting everyone around him in danger...

Meet the cast


"Do you trust me?"

A man that received a second chance after becoming something he hated. Diego lives his life in reflection, basking in its waters and returning the kindness he was shown onto others. Love him or hate him, he has become the centre piece of the Rewritten's attention and they are causing havoc to those closest to him.



"Its hard not to be a monster when every cell in you wants to be one."

Cold, ruthless and uncaring, Seeth was previously mistaken for a heartless corrupted abomination until it became apparently that she was never those things, she was lost and swept up in her ex-best friends desires, becoming another component in the Rewritten's ever-expanding horde. Now she fights against them, using her expert combat skills and otherworldly agility to best her foes and put an end to what she helped unleash.


"Stop hogging your organs, piggy."

Before her corruption, Leech was destined to be a medical scientist of tremendous potential, with a sharp and vast intellect. None of that has changed, if anything, she was smarter than ever, its just the morality behind her decision making which has plunged into the depths. She manufactures horror within her lab and furthers the Rewritten's cause with every sample, slice and slide taken. Everyone is either a tool, plaything or obstacle to her, which are you?

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"Loyalty is to the soul, what fire is to the steel."

An unwitting victim at first, Moltezz has become the filthy queen in all her sex, fire and glory. She delights in her games, play with her and show loyalty and the Queen might she fit to reward you. Cross her and it'll become apparent why Moltezz is considered a walking WMD.

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Arc 1

Chapter 1

People have been disappearing for months now, and no one’s doing anything about it! I'm not talking a couple of people; entire towns along the outskirts of the city have fallen silent! I need help. Please come to the following coordinates... and please come armed - I can’t lose anyone else! - Oxyi.

Chapter 2

A faint amber glow poured in through curtains of Oxyi’s flat. The evening was already upon them. Their route had been traced several times across the maps in the flat already; they'd start off on the outskirts of the forest and slowly make their way inwards.

Chapter 3

Diego and his captors marched quickly through the forest, accompanied by the sound of thousands of shuffling feet behind the heavy thudding of the towering alien creatures; shepherds guiding their godless herd.

Chapter 4

“You must tell me about this new man of yours, Seeth! Word is spreading like wild-fire throughout the dungeon, all my Marks and Nodes are talking about him! We've heard the two of you deep into the night, and it sounds most passionate!”

Chapter 5

“If what you say is true, Oxyi… then we all need to leave immediately! We're completely outnumbered by those creatures and they’re pushing their way deeper into the town with every passing night.”

Chapter 6

Diego yawned a quiet whine, slowly stirring beneath the silken quilts. As he came to, a deep muscular ache began to fill his body. He had to admit, there was some satisfaction to be gained from the pain, but there was something much larger nagging at the front of his mind.

Chapter 7

Leech had a firm grip around both of his wrists and the seemingly now insane Plasia had him by the ankles, and the two of them carried him like a prized pig through the corridors of the dungeon. Diego didn’t fight back, or try to resist; rather he tried to stay calm and gather his thoughts, reserving his energy for later on - he had a feeling he’d be needing it.

Chapter 8

“Easy there, dude! We're not your enemy!” A man's voice called out softly from the darkness. Diego was mid-way through preparing a defensive psyonic burst, yellow sparks arcing across his naked body as energy coursed through him.

Chapter 9

Her breath hot with fury and snorting with anger, Cindy bolted from cover to cover, listening closely for anyone following as she made her way into Leech's lab. For such a tall, muscular crocodilian, she was surprisingly quiet on her feet.

Chapter 10

Diego turned and drew his sword, pointing it towards the door. He eyed up the tight space and braced to use his psyonics. The footsteps drew closer and closer, accompanied with another sound… Sobbing? 

Chapter 11

“You don't understand! You cannot land that ship under any circumstances! A-Are you listening?!”

Chapter 12

“I regret having to do this to you, but you're just too integral to our cause.”


A deafening thwack boomed through the room, followed by a harrowing shriek of pain.

Chapter 13

“As heartwarming as this little reunion is, I’m afraid we’re going to have to end it here.” Moltezz's eyes narrowed and she flourished her chains, igniting the air around her, flames enveloping her voluptuous body.

Chapter 14

Too little, too late. Story of my life. Whether it was her own fault or not, Lamp would once again be left to suffer the consequences of just being… herself.

Chapter 15

“Attention all passengers, this is the captain of the freighter speaking. This is an announcement regarding the boarding situation. If you are in any level above the lower decks, please remain within your cabins and follow instructions given by the guard crew. If you're on the lower decks... things don't look too good..."


So. The Quill-Bellies have been destroyed and we're still trapped... but the bulkheads have held strong, and you've got a plan, sir?” The captain of the freighter was looking visibly more shaken, now that their back-up had been so easily destroyed, but he still had faith in his crew.


The guard captain, dressed in his full suit of power armour and his squad donned likewise behind him, nodded confidently. He flexed his massive rifle. “Yep. We just need to reclaim the hanger, and then we can take off. Me and the boys will lead the charge and lock the bulkhead behind us and hit the hanger bay quickly, get the door closed which should buy you enough time to get us in the air. Once off the ground, we can work through the ship methodically and deal with the remaining assailants without the threat of constant reinforcements.”


“Excellent! Prep your men, we've got some time but the sooner the better!”


Just as some hope filled the room, a desperate scout came running onto the bridge, looking mortified.


“Captain! They've breached a lower security door! You need to see this!”


The crew turned their attention to the camera view before them. The same heavy security door they’d looked at dozens of times before, was now gone, completely destroyed, bent and ripped from the frame with huge, thick, dark trails of murky looking goo smeared over the walls. It was like someone had dragged a series of huge, tar-covered paint brushes against them. As they panned the camera, the remains of several guards came into shot. They'd been torn apart, their corpses barely recognisable through the dark goo that coated their armour and body parts...


A shudder ran through the ship followed by a deep, monstrous, alien roar. Several alarms suddenly sounded in unison, bleaching the bridge in flashing crimson lights.








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